My Story

In April 2020, as the world grappled with COVID-19, I hit a turning point. Working on the frontline and juggling life as a mom of two, I was scared. Coming home each day, looking for masks online, I broke down. This season made me question everything—my career, my choices, and what truly mattered.

From Ghana to the U.S., from medical school to my job as a physician scientist, I’d always been driven. But faced with a global crisis, my achievements seemed small. I realized my approach to my time and career wasn’t fulfilling. I was doing things I liked but not in a way that made me feel alive.

I needed change. My journey led me to create a method that aligns my work with my deepest values—faith, family, impact, and equity. Now, as a professional coach, I’m on a mission to help other women find this alignment and turn their careers into expressions of who they truly are.

How is my approach different from others?

Many career coaches will try to sell you on an approach that may have worked for them, but then you try it only to grow frustrated when you don’t get the results you're seeking. And, “cue” the negative self-talk…

“I’m just not cut out for this path…”

“Well, other women seem to be doing this so, well, why can’t I get it right. It must be something wrong with me…”

“If Ido this, what will others think…they’ll discover I’m a fraud.”

“I just can’t seem to get this right. Home, work, the kids. I”m just failing all the time .”

The reality is…

There is only ONE you in this world. Your story, your background, your personality, and your path - are all unique. 

So, there is NO one-size-fits all HOW for your career growth or fulfillment. 

You need your own unique roadmap. 

And, that is what the VHS Blueprint is…. 

It is a strategic and evidence-based approach to creating your own roadmap for thriving personally and professionally.

About Dr. Martha Kenney

Dr. Martha Kenney is a board-certified pediatrician and pediatric anesthesiologist who completed medical school, residency, and fellowship training at Johns Hopkins University. She is also an assistant professor at Duke University where she conducts research on understanding  chronic pain in sickle cell disease. This includes addressing pain disparities in marginalized communities. Her research is supported by a five year career development award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). She holds several national leadership positions.

Outside of teaching medicine and conducting research, Dr. Kenney is a certified professional coach with a deep-seated passion for employee engagement, burnout prevention, and career development amongst professional women. She is particularly passionate about working with young female professionals. Dr. Kenney is a sought out speaker and has spoken at several prominent universities and academic conferences, facilitated workshops, and led teams in coaching sessions. And she isn’t just a physician and speaker, she also hosts a podcast on career development for female professionals.

Coaching Training & Certifications

Dr. Kenney has completed professional-level coaching and certification through Erickson Coaching International. She is a also a certified behavioral design consultant through Tiny Habits® Academy.

The VHS Blueprint©: Aligning Your Career with Your Core

science-informed, evidence based

Start with Why

Dive deep into what truly drives you. It’s about understanding your ‘why’ and aligning your daily actions with the values that matter most.

Build Sustainable Habits

Transform your aspirations into daily actions through powerful habit formation that propels you toward your goals.

Implement Systems

Introduce efficiency and flow into your life with systems that ensure your progress isn’t just temporary, but a lasting change reflecting your true self.

Results You will Unlock
  • Gain clarity on what you want and how to navigate your career

  • Become authentically connected with the work you do

  • Find greater fulfillment and joy in how you spend your time

  • Become the best version of yourself for your family

  • Achieve the career growth you're seeking in less time

Let’s Create Your Success Story

Whether you’re seeking to find greater fulfillment in your professional life, or your organization aims to foster a values-based culture that retains top talent, I’m here to help.

Embark on your journey to a balanced, fulfilling career today.

Your ambition has brought you far. Let the VHS Blueprint© take you further, transforming your work and life into the fulfilling experience you’ve always envisioned.

Together, we can make it happen.